Monthly Archives: March 2011

23 03, 2011

Acts 8

2022-01-24T16:55:09-05:00March 23rd, 2011|Acts, Featured|0 Comments

Join us in Chapter 8 for the tale of four men - Saul of Tarsus, Philip the Evangelist, Simon the Sorcerer and The Ethiopian Eunich. The Lord uses Saul's persecution to spread the Gospel - Philip shows us yet again that the Lord rocks ordinary guys - Simon thinks he's awesome until he sees the [...]

16 03, 2011

Acts 7

2022-01-24T16:54:43-05:00March 16th, 2011|Acts, Featured|0 Comments

Stephen lowers the boom in the most powerful and famous sermon in the New Testament epistles - "Stephen's Defense before the Sanhedrin." This famous sermon was delivered by just an ordinary servant of the Lord, not some high and mighty leader. Powerful lessons abound in tonight's study - including an incredibly comforting teaching on what [...]

10 03, 2011

Acts 6

2022-01-24T16:54:19-05:00March 10th, 2011|Acts, Featured|0 Comments

Though the shortest Chapter in the Book of Acts, Chapter 6 is one of the most important Chapters for the Body of Christ today. The Lord brings over the top encouragement to you and me, speaks of the importance of doing what God created you to do, and introduces Stephen to us - who shows [...]

2 03, 2011

Acts 5

2022-01-24T16:53:57-05:00March 2nd, 2011|Acts, Featured|0 Comments

Ananias & Sapphira learn the lesson that Hypocrisy kills. Join us as God sets the Standard for His Church concerning hypocrisy, and Peter & John and the rest of the Apostles experience the 1st of 3 divine jailbreaks in the Book of Acts. Signs and wonders abound, yet Peter sticks hard to the simple message [...]

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